Gamelup - HTML5 Gaming Platform

Gamelup is a cutting-edge content management system (CMS) specifically developed for HTML5 games, offering advanced features such as batch importing and more. By leveraging the power of the Gamelup script, you have the opportunity to establish your very own HTML5 gaming platform, enabling you to generate revenue from both in-game advertisements and advertisements displayed on your website.

Gamelup - HTML5 Gaming Platform overview
Gamelup - HTML5 Gaming Platform overview mobile

Test-Drive Ready

Try before you buy! Dive deep into the pages of our front-end demo for as long as you want.

Admin panel


We're not done yet.

Here's even more features that our product comes with. These features are designed to meet the highest standards in the industry.

Admin panel
Powerful admin panel to manage your website.
Color, appearance, listings can be changed easily
Earn money with ad slots
Articles about movies and series can be published
Support for multiple languages.
Responsive design
Responsive on mobile, and desktop devices.
Retina display
User interface ready for high DPI screens.
Privacy compliant
Meets GDPR, CCPA, PECR and Cookie Law.
SEO friendly
Templates files ready for dynamic meta tags.
Run the software on your own server. See requirements
Coded on the Laravel framework.
Designed on the Tailwindcss framework.


  • PHP 8.1 +
  • Apache 2 with mod_rewrite enabled
  • MBString PHP Extension
  • allow_url_fopen
  • GD PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • Exif
26 Jul, 2023
  • Initial Release


  • 6 months free support
  • Future product updates


Current version
26 Jul, 2023
1 year ago

For custom development work and installation services you can Request a Free quote directly from the codelug of this product.
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Important warning !We do not accept returns because it is open source